La historia secreta del vínculo entre Horacio Lavandera y Alejandro Roemmers – CARAS
El renombrado pianista argentino revela cómo su relación con Alejandro Roemmers lo ayudó a convertirse en una figura internacional de la música clásica El jueves
El renombrado pianista argentino revela cómo su relación con Alejandro Roemmers lo ayudó a convertirse en una figura internacional de la música clásica El jueves
Pioneer in the ethical restructuring of the family business, target of the guerrilla, successful writer and personal friend of Pope Francis. We spoke with Alejandro
“I fervently believe that the entire technological and communication revolution has to be accompanied by a spiritual revolution, because otherwise, there will be no experiences
Businessman, philanthropist and writer, he presented his new book “The Young Prince Points the Way”, after “The Return of the Young Prince”, which sold more
From left to right, Óscar de Baltodano, vice president of the Ernesto Cardenal Foundation, Jorge Abascal, cultural attaché of the Mexican embassy, Alejandro G. Roemmers
The Buenos Aires International Book Fair is an annual event that brings together literature lovers, prominent writers and the general public interested in the exciting
At the Book Fair, among friends, teachers, journalists and faithful readers, the businessman presented his new work, inspired by the story of “The Little Prince”
The writer spoke about his new book, “The Young Prince Points the Way,” and argued that education is crucial to transforming a society. “A book
The businessman, producer and writer will present his youth novel “The Young Prince Points the Way” this afternoon in the main hall of the Book Fair,
The businessman, philanthropist and writer presents this afternoon at the Book Fair “The Young Prince points the way”, a new chapter of his character based
The writer and translator is one of the most prominent poetic voices of her generation LLast week, at the Palacio San Miguel (Suipacha 84), the
This celebration was born in the United States, but today it is celebrated throughout the world; What is the origin of this day and what
By Roberto Alifano In his moving encyclical “TuttiFratelli”, Pope Francis calls for mutual recognition as sons and daughters of God and, consequently, a call for
The Argentine poet, novelist and philanthropist participated in the year-end meeting, which took place on December 6, at the institution’s headquarters in Palermo. There he
Cuenta con la aprobación de los hijos reconocidos por la Justicia. Y con la colaboración de Alejandro Roemmers. Mirá el trailer oficial. “I am Juan
Alejandro finds himself in the sonnet very comfortably, he handles that composition with wisdom, grace, panache, a truly admirable sense of the lyrical.… Don Luis Alberto de Cuenca y Prado, who was twice the Secretary of Culture of Spain and former Director of the National Library, said: “Alejandro finds himself in the sonnet very comfortably, he handles that composition with wisdom, grace, panache, a truly admirable sense of the lyrical… I would first like to underline his ability as a sonnetist, he is a splendid sonnetist, and then I would also say that he is a virtuoso of the word … he is a person who makes words stretch, shrink, take capricious shapes on occasions, on other occasions eurythmic, classical, but he always works magic with words… he is a true thaumaturge, a magician of that art e, of that great beautiful art, which is poetry”.
Writer Virginia Vidal wrote: “…without stridency, with the inherent moderation of the Spanish language, Alejandro Roemmers does not intend to search for words carved in marble to express sensations and emotions. We find ourselves before a poetry free of violence, where all pain is contained to give way to the joy of living, where the vital force closes the way to despair. When sincerity is united to the magic of art, the last impression that is received is that of beauty, music flows from simplicity itself and not from exquisite prayer.” “… The visual images that give us the illusion of being in front of true plastic works cannot be underestimated; in this way the poet invites us to enjoy multiple sensory perceptions, this does not mean a concession to hedonism but a permanent tribute to beauty and self-improvement”
The General Director of Proa Magazine, writer and poet Roberto Alifano, defined Alejandro Roemmers’ poetry as limpid and clear. “It is a continuous dazzle, an amazing succession of visual images. always on the adventure, permanent traveler, he does not travel to see the world, but to embrace it in his arms»
Three poetic conditions prevail in the author: conceptualization, intensity and coherence. León Benarós, writer and literary critic, “three poetic conditions predominate in the author: conceptualization, intensity and coherence. Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers has proven to be inhabited by the sacred duende of poetry, which distinguishes the chosen«
Let’s not look here for strident originalities nor attempts to amaze with exotic finds: Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers prefers a pristine lyricism, as clear as it is moving. So common that no one can ignore it
Renowned poet, member of SADE, writes: “The life experience of Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers expresses himself with singular neatness and lexical richness, in a metric that ranges from free verse to the classic and modern sonnet, in which substance and form harmonize
Alejandro Roemmers offers us the testimony of a rich inner reality, a great talent for creating nuanced images and metaphors with color and freshness. Writes Antonio Requeni, award-winning writer and literary critic: “Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers offers us the testimony of a rich inner reality, a great talent for creating nuanced images and metaphors with color and freshness. There is in him a soft or fervent religiosity that bursts into some of the verses. There is an echo of the high voices of Spanish poetry, which is perceived in his poems dedicated to Spain, and which reaches the highest degree of its emotional and reverential temperature in the beautiful sonnets to Miguel Hernández, the poet and shepherd of Orihuela”.
There is plenitude in his verse, said Duilio Ferraro about the work of Alejandro Roemmers. “There is fullness in his seeing. The grammatical construction of his poetry is harmonized with logical rigor, all carried to a remarkable rhythmic elegance.
The musical vocation of Alejandro Roemmers is not only present in the references, images and metaphors of his creations, but also in their rhythm and sound, due to the precise choice of acoustic words and whose consonances he seeks in the “pure rhyme”, as expressed in “I thank you poetry”.
Alejandro se encuentra en el soneto muy a gusto, maneja esa composición con una sabiduría, con una donosura, con un garbo, con un sentido de lo lírico verdaderamente admirables… Don Luis Alberto de Cuenca y Prado, que fuera dos veces Secretario de Cultura de España y ex Director de la Biblioteca Nacional dijo: “Alejandro se encuentra en el soneto muy a gusto, maneja esa composición con una sabiduría, con una donosura, con un garbo, con un sentido de lo lírico verdaderamente admirables… quisiera subrayar primero su capacidad como sonetista, es un espléndido sonetista, y luego también diría que es un virtuoso de la palabra… es una persona que hace que las palabras se estiren, se encojan, adopten formas caprichosas en ocasiones, en otras ocasiones eurítmicas, clásicas, pero siempre hace magia con las palabras… él es un auténtico taumaturgo, un mago de ese arte, de ese gran bella arte, que es la poesía”.
La Escritora Virginia Vidal, escribió: “…sin estridencia, con la mesura inherente de la lengua castellana, Alejandro Roemmers no pretende buscar palabras talladas en mármol para expresar sensaciones y emociones. Nos hallamos ante una poesía exenta de violencia, donde todo dolor se contiene para dar paso a la alegría de vivir, donde la fuerza vital cierra paso a la desesperanza. Cuando la sinceridad esta unida a la magia del arte, la impresión última que se recibe es la de la belleza, la música fluye de la sencillez misma y no de la oración exquisita.” “… No se puede menospreciar las imágenes visuales que nos dan la ilusión de hallarnos frente a verdaderas obras plásticas; de este modo el poeta nos invita a disfrutar de múltiples percepciones sensoriales, ello no significa una concesión al hedonismo sino un permanente tributo a la belleza y superación”
El director General de la Revista Proa, escritor y poeta Roberto Alifano, definió la poesía de Alejandro Roemmers como límpida y clara.“Es un continuo deslumbramiento, una asombrosa secesión de imágenes visuales.Poeta de la emoción, dispuesto siempre a la aventura, viajero permanente, no viaja para conocer el mundo, sino para estrecharlo entre sus brazos»
Tres condiciones poéticas predominan en el autor: conceptuación, intensidad y coherencia. Dijo León Benarós, escritor y crítico literario, “tres condiciones poéticas predominan en el autor: conceptuación, intensidad y coherencia. Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers ha demostrado estar habitado por el sagrado duende de la poesía, que distingue a los elegidos«
No busquemos aquí originalidades estridentes ni intentos de asombrar con hallazgos exóticos: Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers prefiere un lirismo prístino, tan claro como conmovedor. Tan de todos que nadie puede ignorarlo
Reconocida poeta, miembro de la SADE, escribe: “La experiencia vital de Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers se expresa con pulcritud y riqueza léxica singulares, en una métrica que va desde el verso libre hasta el soneto clásico y moderno, en los que el fondo y la forma armonizan
Alejandro Roemmers offers us the testimony of a rich inner reality, a great talent for creating images and metaphors nuanced with color and freshness. Writes Antonio Requeni, award-winning writer and literary critic: “Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers offers us the testimony of a rich inner reality, a great talent for creating images and metaphors nuanced with color and freshness. There is in him a soft or fervent religiosity that bursts into some of the verses. There is an echo of the high voices of Spanish poetry, which is perceived in his poems dedicated to Spain, and which reaches the highest degree of its emotional and reverential temperature in the beautiful sonnets to Miguel Hernández, the poet and shepherd of Orihuela” .
There is plenitude in his verse, said Duilio Ferraro about the work of Alejandro Roemmers. “There is fullness in his verse. The grammatical construction of his poetry is harmonized with logical rigor, all carried to a remarkable rhythmic elegance.
The musical vocation of Alejandro Roemmers is not only present in the references, images and metaphors of his creations, but also in their rhythm and sound, due to the precise choice of acoustic words and whose consonances he seeks in the “pure rhyme”, as expressed in “I thank you poetry”.