Eduardo Gudiño Kieffer

  Let’s not look here for strident originalities nor attempts to amaze with exotic finds: Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers prefers a pristine lyricism, as clear as it is moving. So common that no one can ignore it

Ester de Izaguirre

Renowned poet, member of SADE, writes: “The life experience of Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers expresses himself with singular neatness and lexical richness, in a metric that ranges from free verse to the classic and modern sonnet, in which substance and form harmonize

Antonio Requini

Alejandro Roemmers offers us the testimony of a rich inner reality, a great talent for creating nuanced images and metaphors with color and freshness. Writes Antonio Requeni, award-winning writer and literary critic: “Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers offers us the testimony of a rich inner reality, a great talent for creating nuanced images and metaphors with color […]

Duilio Ferraro

There is plenitude in his verse, said Duilio Ferraro about the work of Alejandro Roemmers. “There is fullness in his seeing. The grammatical construction of his poetry is harmonized with logical rigor, all carried to a remarkable rhythmic elegance.

Carlos María Romero Sosa

The musical vocation of Alejandro Roemmers is not only present in the references, images and metaphors of his creations, but also in their rhythm and sound, due to the precise choice of acoustic words and whose consonances he seeks in the “pure rhyme”, as expressed in “I thank you poetry”.

Title: “Un poeta para el siglo XXI” (A poet for the XXI century)

Year published: 2017 Genre: Poetry A selection of comments, prologues, interviews and reviews the works of the writer deserved, which move between the poetics inscribed in the tradition of Hispanic literature, the prose more committed to human values ​​and the development of the critical spirit, in search of an enriching literature, without forgetting the aesthetics […]

Title: “Como la arena” (Like sand)

Year Published: 2006

Genre: Poesía

The word Poet has more than one meaning. Not only is it evidence that it prophecies, that it anticipates what is to come, but it delves into each feeling, in the being of the things to which it gives life at the same time that it shows its mysteries. Each of the poems in this book points to the enigma of feeling and with his words he imagines even the unimaginable that is inside a stone whose door hides the great mystery.