“This is the first major difficulty you encounter in your life and you must resolve it. And the truth is, even if you feel overwhelmed by it now, it's not the end of the world either."
“That phrase was a coincidence, I know, but one of those coincidences that seem to be part of a plot that we cannot fully follow. ”
“I have come to think that the universe is like that and that each one has to find the exact space that corresponds to them.”


Title: “Un poeta para el siglo XXI” (A poet for the XXI century)

Year published: 2017 Genre: Poetry A selection of comments, prologues, interviews and reviews the works of the writer deserved, which move between the poetics inscribed in the tradition of Hispanic literature, the prose more committed to human values ​​and the development of the critical spirit, in search of an enriching literature, without forgetting the aesthetics of hope and mercy that the author maintains throughout his career and that culminates in Franciscus, a musical about Saint Francis of Assisi for which -in addition to having written the libretto- he has collaborated with the composition of two of his themes.

Title: “Como la arena” (Like sand)

Year Published: 2006

Genre: Poesía

The word Poet has more than one meaning. Not only is it evidence that it prophecies, that it anticipates what is to come, but it delves into each feeling, in the being of the things to which it gives life at the same time that it shows its mysteries. Each of the poems in this book points to the enigma of feeling and with his words he imagines even the unimaginable that is inside a stone whose door hides the great mystery.

Title: “Un poeta para el siglo XXI” (A poet for the XXI century)

Year published: 2017 Genre: Poetry A selection of comments, prologues, interviews and reviews the works of the writer deserved, which move between the poetics inscribed in the tradition of Hispanic literature, the prose more committed to human values ​​and the development of the critical spirit, in search of an enriching literature, without forgetting the aesthetics of hope and mercy that the author maintains throughout his career and that culminates in Franciscus, a musical about Saint Francis of Assisi for which -in addition to having written the libretto- he has collaborated with the composition of two of his themes.

Title: “Como la arena” (Like sand)

Year Published: 2006

Genre: Poesía

The word Poet has more than one meaning. Not only is it evidence that it prophecies, that it anticipates what is to come, but it delves into each feeling, in the being of the things to which it gives life at the same time that it shows its mysteries. Each of the poems in this book points to the enigma of feeling and with his words he imagines even the unimaginable that is inside a stone whose door hides the great mystery.