
Empowering Economy, in “San Francisco”, Jujuy.

Empowering economy invests, promotes and supports sustainable consumption. This form of consumption reduces the negative effects of climate change and favors our health.

It is based on some premises: offer food with organic plant-based raw materials, offer artisanal and sustainable products, and offer compostable and biodegradable products.

 It has three main missions: an ecological mission, a social mission and an economic mission, through which it tries to recover, regenerate and care for natural resources and incorporate sustainability into everyday life, generate empowerment in emerging communities and raise awareness of a new consumption that promotes a fraternal, equitable and sustainable society.

 Empowering economy” in San Francisco is a project led by Alejandro Roemmers, with which the inhabitants of his community were trained in various areas, all aimed at developing an economic and social activity that respects the environment. 

 San Francisco is a small town with a community of 400 inhabitants, located approximately 130 kilometers from “San Salvador de Jujuy”, capital of the province, in northern Argentina. There, the need to take care of nature makes more sense and thus the idea of ​​taking advantage of resources responsibly and sustainably arises, in order to generate economic independence. 

 The project was based on spreading human values ​​such as respect, love, peace, fraternity, teamwork and selfless help, among others, to forge the foundations to build the world we all dream of.

 The concepts were precise: give them enough tools to carry out a sustainable and conscientious development, respecting the environment. The training was developed through workshops focused on radically improving their quality of life, reconnecting them with their ancestral customs. Construction, ceramics, textiles, biocosmetics and agriculture were some of the trades learned through training to encourage each member to have their own business, strengthening the ties and bonds between them. Each of the participants was 100% involved in the project and had the participation of many volunteers and workshop leaders, who settled in the town, sharing not only their knowledge, but also their time to accompany the community, generating unbreakable bonds. 

Local production became the main source of conscious consumption; thus recovering the reciprocity between the ecosystems that we integrate.

With the Empowering economy project we seek to channel the spiritual into the material, giving rise to the formation of free and sovereign towns, creating abundant habitats; and to allow communities to walk towards just and sustainable societies, where human dignity prevails; and to take care of the environment.