Title: “Poemas elegidos” (Selected Poems)

Year Published: 2006

Genre: Poetry

Luis Alberto de Cuenca y Prado, who was the Secretary of State for Culture of Spain and former Director of the National Library, said:

“Alejandro is very comfortable in the sonnet, he handles that composition with wisdom, with grace, with panache, with a truly admirable sense of the lyrical… I would like to first underline his ability as a sonnetist. He is a splendid sonnetist, and then also I would say that he is a virtuous of the word…he is a person who makes words stretch, shrink, adopt capricious forms on occasions, on other eurythmic, classical occasions, but he always works magic with words… he is a true thaumaturge, a magician of that art, of that great beautiful art that is poetry ”.

Title: “Más allá”

Year Published: 2001

Genre: Poetry

A slight ascetic breath, of subtle worldology, runs through the pages of this new book by Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers, composed mostly of deep and fascinating sonnets and free-form poems, whose wealth of lyrical resources reaches in many of them a remarkable interiority, founded on real words as living beings.

Title: “España en mí” (Spain in me)

Year published: 1996

Genre: Poetry

“ Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers transits in the space-time that he himself assumes, and he does so without vain grandiloquence or useless secrecy. His poetry -both in the requirement of the sonnet and in formal and conceptual freedom- takes the problem of essence and existence raised in the first work, and unfolds it in the perspectives of love, of poetry (looking for an elusive definition) , in music (“El piano”), in dreams, in nature and in different panoramas as intimate as they are compatible.

Title: “Ancla Fugaz”

Year published: 1995

Genre: Poetry

The depth and beauty of his poems is surprising in this book by Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers. His poetry reveals the moments of a life captured by an alert intuition and captured in images whose virtue is originality, if not the greatest, one of the important achievements of every artist. And this vital experience is expressed with unique lexical neatness and richness, in a metric that ranges from free verse to classic and modern sonnet, in which the background and the form harmonize to become a pure and true poetry.

Title: “Soñadores Soñad”

Alejandro Roemmers spent much of his youth in Europe. In his years of residence in the old continent he dedicated numerous poems to Spain, several of which can be found in his first book, “Soñadores, Soñad”, which brings together poems written between the ages of fourteen and twenty. Since then, his poetry has been the subject of numerous awards and publications and included in anthologies of American poetry.

Resumen primera edición FestivalAR 2021

Felicitaciones a las nueve menciones: Claudio Grandia, por “Momento blanco”; Juan Ferrero y Camila Viale Goenaga, por “No saber”; Iván Razza, también por “No saber”; Fátima Estrella, por “Las palabras del silencio”; Orlando Alfonzo, Enrique Parra Velasquez y Macarena Tropea, por “¿Por qué les temes?”; Matías Tarrés, por “Cuando te pienso”; Tatiana Arias, Valentina Lugo […]

Vivir se escribe en presente, por Mario Massaccesi

Entrevista al artista, periodista ,conductor de radio y TV, coach y escritor  Mario Masaccesi. El encuentro fue en el Ateneo Grand Splendid, Mario nos cuenta qué significó el libro “Vivir se escribe en presente “para él.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Alejandro G Roemmers (@alejandrogroemmers)