“El Joven Príncipe señala el camino” (The Young Prince Points the Way)

Year of publication: 2024
Genre: Narrative novel
Publisher: Océano
The Young Prince Points the Way tells the story of Juan, a somewhat mysterious young man who has recently arrived from Patagonia at the Leonardo Da Vinci Institute, a prestigious high school in the city. His presence, marked by fundamental values and a unique vision of life and friendship, will challenge and change the lives of his classmates and teachers forever.
A story that calls us to reflect on universal dilemmas ranging from the philosophical to the everyday, such as the relationship between young people and adults, addiction to screens, the clash between tradition and technology, or the obsession with image and social networks, and culminates in an adventure in the heart of nature, which will give rise to true brotherhood.
Title: “Vivir se escribe en presente”

Alejandro Roemmers offers us an addictive novel, a journey of self-knowledge and reflection on the way we live, since, although they go unnoticed, the words we say or remain silent, the anger and slamming of doors, the decisions we make or avoid, a farewell, a hug are the seeds that harbor our luck, because we are writing the future today, in the present.
Title: “España en mí y otros poemas” (Spain in me and other poems)

“Spain in me and other poems” is a wide selection of his work, of which Luis Alberto de Cuenca has highlighted his ability to communicate images and emotions, its “tension and emotion” and being “a poetry tempered on the anvil of classicism”, formally characterized by “a privileged ear for the hendecasyllable and for the sonnet”. […]
Title: “La tunica sensuale”

Year published: 2008 Genre: Poesía On June 22, 2008 he presented one of his most outstanding works, La Tunica Sensuale, at the Turi Book Fair in Italy. This book was published in Spanish and later translated into Italian. By way of Haikus The flexible branch it will not break; neither will it be a trunk. […]
Title: “The return of the young prince”

Year published: 2008
Genre: Narrative novel
The return of the Young Prince” is a book for all ages. It is a simple and poetic story in which I try to convey the experiences and wisdom that I have collected in life. I interpret life as a great opportunity, in which the most important thing is spiritual evolution. One wants to preserve innocence, but at the same time one wonders what to do in the face of injustice, evil, betrayal…
Title: “La mirada impar” (The odd gaze)

Year published: 2014
Genre: Poetry
Testimonial poetry in the sense of lived experience, that of this book by Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers leads us through his experiences towards the purest and most diaphanous of communicative sensibility. To read “La mirada impar” is to discover the human and revealing breath of the poetic word, in this case an expression with classic roots and structure -in most of the compositions- but with a contemporary vision and an implicit and affectionate approach to the reader. In the verses of Alejandro Guillermo Roemmers the soul of the poet (his feeling, his wisdom) is always present in the face of the various circumstances of life: landscapes, anecdotes, sensations, the experiences of love and friendship and the perception of the sacred. A book, in short, that like all good poetry books, invites us to understand and love, helps us to live.
Title: “Sonetos del amor entero”

Year published: 2019 Genre: Poetry
Title: “Un poeta para el siglo XXI” (A poet for the XXI century)

Year published: 2017 Genre: Poetry A selection of comments, prologues, interviews and reviews the works of the writer deserved, which move between the poetics inscribed in the tradition of Hispanic literature, the prose more committed to human values and the development of the critical spirit, in search of an enriching literature, without forgetting the aesthetics […]
Title: “Como la arena” (Like sand)

Year Published: 2006
Genre: Poesía
The word Poet has more than one meaning. Not only is it evidence that it prophecies, that it anticipates what is to come, but it delves into each feeling, in the being of the things to which it gives life at the same time that it shows its mysteries. Each of the poems in this book points to the enigma of feeling and with his words he imagines even the unimaginable that is inside a stone whose door hides the great mystery.
Title: “Poemas elegidos” (Selected Poems)

Year Published: 2006
Genre: Poetry
Luis Alberto de Cuenca y Prado, who was the Secretary of State for Culture of Spain and former Director of the National Library, said:
“Alejandro is very comfortable in the sonnet, he handles that composition with wisdom, with grace, with panache, with a truly admirable sense of the lyrical… I would like to first underline his ability as a sonnetist. He is a splendid sonnetist, and then also I would say that he is a virtuous of the word…he is a person who makes words stretch, shrink, adopt capricious forms on occasions, on other eurythmic, classical occasions, but he always works magic with words… he is a true thaumaturge, a magician of that art, of that great beautiful art that is poetry ”.